
We understand that creating truly great food means more than just tasting good.

Zero Food Waste.

We work with 530 Food Rescue to donate all of our surplus food & catering leftovers to non-profits helping those facing food insecurity in our communities.

We’re committed to minimizing our carbon footprint, eliminating food waste & helping our community.


Some of our food scraps help feed the hens of local egg producers; the rest is composted to feed Butte County soil. Landfills don’t need food.

Smarter take-out

When we need to use plastic, we opt for recycled containers with a high post-consumer content & compostable bio-plastic utensils.

We work with the seasons & source locally-grown, organic products whenever possible.

Land of Plenty.

In a region renowned for its agricultural bounty, we’re especially proud to source most of our ingredients from area farms & food producers. Unrivaled freshness & less energy to get to our kitchen: it’s a win for everyone.